SINLocalVideoFrameCallback Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in SINLocalVideoFrameCallback.h

– onFrame:completionHandler: required method

This method is called when a new frame is captured from the camera. The produced video frames are in CVPixelBufferRef format. It provides the possibility for developer to process the local video frames (e.g. applying filters on the frames), and send the updated video frames to the remote client.

- (void)onFrame:(CVPixelBufferRef)cvPixelBuffer completionHandler:(void ( ^ ) ( CVPixelBufferRef retCVPixelBuffer ))completionHandler



The video frame captured from the camera.


The completionHandler needs to be invoked with a cvPixelBuffer object which will be sent to the remote peer.

IMPORTANT: The invocation of the completionHandler is mandatory when SINLocalVideoFrameCallback is set, otherwise the Sinch SDK will not send any frame to the remote peer in this case.


IMPORTANT: the developer needs to retain the CVPixelBuffer object received from the callback by CVPixelBufferRetain,and to release the object by CVPixelBufferRelease.

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